Not Burnt Out Just Unscrewed

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For the safety of our cast, crew, and audiences, we have temporarily stopped having an in-person audience.

Know that we’ll welcome you back into our theater again just as soon as it makes sense.

You can LIVE STREAM all our shows from the comfort of your own home. AND if you buy more than one Live Stream ticket, all of them are HALF PRICE!

Not Burnt Out Just Unscrewed

It’s the weekend and you NEED to laugh! Join Not Burnt Out Just Unscrewed for an Improv Comedy hullabaloo! As always, we’ll take your suggestions and turn them into comedy scenes and games that are seen once then never again. Plus we’ll keep it clean – so the whole family can enjoy the night together!

Every show is different because the suggestions come from you, our amazing audience! It’s going to be a fantastic weekend! We sincerely hope you join us as we get the Improv party started!

Cy Barlow

Cy Barlow

Tonight’s cast:

Chris Seidman

Chris Seidman

Michael Vietinghoff

Michael Vietinghoff

Rob Sparks

Rob Sparks

Photo by Jon Scanlon