ImprovBlox: Genreprov – Sci-fi/Fantasy

Saturdays, October 7 - November 11, 2023

Our ImprovBlox are 6-week courses covering advanced Improv topics introduced in Improv Basics.

GenreProv: Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Learn to create a sci-fi or fantasy story from scratch, inspired by a specific type of sci-fi or fantasy work. Students will choose, during the first class meeting, what type of show, book, or movie the class will use to inspire their genreprov (such as Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Wheel of Time, Fairy Tales, etc.).

Students will be expected to have knowledge of the specific genre chosen for the class, so please come prepared to study up with some reading or watching in order to understand the tropes and types of stories that work within the chosen genre.

Learn narrative structures, tropes of the selected genre, and character archetypes, all while honing your improv skills to create fun new stories in a familiar world!

Experience Level

Intermediate. Completed Improv Basics or equivalent beginning class.

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Unscrewed Theater
4500 E. Speedway Blvd. #39
Tucson, AZ 85715

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Saturday, November 11
6pm MST

Your Instructor:

Cy Barlow

Cy Barlow