Improv 302 Class

Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Take a class in improv comedy!

Week 3 of 8

Improv 302 – Advanced Improv – Long Form

Explore the beginning and intermediate techniques of long form Improv! Using the building blocks from Improv 101 & 201, this class will focus primarily on utilizing those skills in application to long form improv. Long form is a style, that calls on the improviser to use only one suggestion in order to build a series of comedic scenes. From the opening, to different wipes and edits, to a variety of exciting long form formats, you will get a great sampling of what it’s like to play this exciting form of improv!

8 Week Course – classes meet once a week

Instructor – Gretchen Wirges

Day/Time: Tuesdays, 7:00pm – 9:30pm Starting 1/5/16

Prerequisite: Completion of Level 201

Unscrewed Theater is located at 3244 E. Speedway Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85716 (across from The Loft Cinema, next to Fronimo’s). Parking and entrance are located in the rear of the building. Turn in to the Walgreen’s parking lot and go to the left around the building.

Unscrewed Theater is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to teaching, performing, and producing all forms of live improvisational theater in Tucson, AZ.