We’re showcasing the best improv, stand-up, sketch, and more that Tucson has to offer in this quarterly invitational variety show.
It’s like a miniature comedy festival right here at Unscrewed Theater!
Not in Tucson? Live stream the show from everywhere! Follow the Watch the Live Stream link above and join the fun from the comfort of your own home.
Enjoy the show!
December 8 Line-up!
- All Reddy
- Benda
- Debbie MG
- Jen Blanco
- Justin Pinzon
- Keep Tucson Sketchy
- Mort and Morty
- Proceed to Checkout
- and more!

Donate on Venmo
Click to Pay What You Will by sending a donation on Venmo (put FAD in the “What’s it for?” field).
If needed for confirmation, the last four digits of the Venmo account phone number: 7035.