Unscrewed Fridays After Dark
After two years of fantastic monthly variety shows, we’ve changed things up. We’re inviting the best of Tucson indie improv, sketch, stand-up and more to a quarterly (once a season) Unscrewed Fridays After Dark variety showcase.
It’s like a miniature comedy festival right here at Unscrewed Theater.

How does it work?
Unscrewed Fridays After Dark is an invitational show. We’ll be inviting improv, stand-up, sketch, and other comedy acts to create a fun quarterly variety show.
Interested in performing?
If you’d like to be considered for our next quarterly show, submit the form. We can’t guarantee you’ll be offered a spot, but we will inform everyone of the line-up no later than the week before the show.
Can’t wait to get on stage? If you’re an improviser, check out The Backyard, our incubator show on the first and third Saturdays.
Follow @UnscrewedFAD on Instagram for all the fun!
The next Unscrewed Fridays After Dark line up is set. Check back for our next show's form. Come see the show!